Night School With Latonya Washington

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Your Brand and The Customer Journey

Your Brand and The Customer Journey

Your Brand and The Customer JourneyYou remember the experience when you came in contact with someone, something, somewhere and it left such an imprint in your brain that you had to share with others? Imagine that being your brand..

How to Position Your Brand With Your Audience

How to Position Your Brand With Your Audience

How to Position Your Brand With Your AudienceHow have you been positioning your brand with your audience?  Brand positioning is not about the physical, but how you are positioned in the minds of your customers. Watch in and learn more.  

What is Customer Journey Mapping?

What is Customer Journey Mapping?

What Is Customer Journey Mapping?Customer journey mapping is very crucial in the building up retention of your brand and knowing the experiences that customers go through with each aspect of a touchpoint with you. Mapping it out will require research from use of a...

8 Steps to Building Your Personal Brand

8 Steps to Building Your Personal Brand

8 Steps to Building Your Personal BrandBuilding a personal brand is a crucial step in establishing your identity and making an impact on the world. You have to define your goal or your purpose, uncover your target audience, know your value and so much more. This video...

The Customer Touchpoint Versus the Customer Journey

The Customer Touchpoint Versus the Customer Journey

The Customer Touchpoint Versus the Customer JourneyDo you want to learn how to create and use customer journey maps as a powerful tool for customer-centric innovation and improvement? If you answered yes, stay connected as we will continue to provide you with...

Brand DNA

Brand DNA

Brand DNABrand DNA is the essence of your brand, the core idea that defines and differentiates you from your competitors. It encompasses your brand values, purpose, promise, personality, and positioning, which together form the foundation of your brand strategy and...

Brand TouchPoints

Brand TouchPoints

Brand TouchPointsWhat are the brand Touchpoints? They are the little moments that define the experience of your target audience with your brand. From the very first time they become "aware" of you all the way through the journey. Then the circle of life begins again....

Strategy and Tactics

Strategy and Tactics

How to Develop a Strategy and Tactics  We have a tendency to go straight into tactical activities of posting on our social media platforms before developing a "blueprint" as to what it is we want to accomplish. That stops today! If you are looking to obtain...

Have You Ever Seen a Chick Fil A Ad?

Have You Ever Seen a Chick Fil A Ad?

Have You Ever Seen a Chick Fil A Ad? Nope  Have you ever seen a Chick Fil A or Starbucks Ad on TV? Nope. You know why, because they have focused more in on the customer experience. You know what they do? Listen in... Because McDonald's and Burger King are not...

SpeakThe Language, But You’re Not at the Same Level

SpeakThe Language, But You’re Not at the Same Level

Speak Their Language, But You're Not at the Same Level  Leaders are developed to lead others due to their level of expertise, ability to inspire, educate and/or encourage. As a leader, remember that you are not on the same level as those you lead, but you must be...