“Guiding Brands Through Digital Journeys From Scratch”

How Do You
Nurture Your




latonya washington press releases featued in

Courses &

Private Coaching

Customer Journey Strategist & Reputation Management

About LaTonya Washington

“How A Crisis Turned Into an Opportunity for Me”

My story began during a business trip from California to Atlanta. What should have been a routine journey quickly turned sour: the airport staff were rude, my flight was delayed, and my brand-new luggage was badly scratched. Frustrated, angry, and feeling utterly helpless, I had an epiphany. “If I was experiencing this, countless others were too, and that company’s brand is tarnished.” This widespread issue of poor customer experiences became glaringly obvious to me – a crisis that demanded attention.

“My Turning Point”

Determined to make a difference, I decided to take action. I realized that many businesses were failing to recognize the critical moments that deeply impact customer connection. This revelation led me to develop an educational and training platform specifically designed to help small businesses, online e-commerce stores, and entrepreneurs enhance their brand awareness and service quality.

 My First Experience with Implementing Brand Awareness”

I vividly recall my first successful implementation of digital journey strategies. A small e-commerce store I was consulting for saw a significant boost in the way they were developing messaging that was relatable to their audience which brought in a lot of interest, sales and bookings.  By refining their customer touchpoints and ensuring consistent, positive interactions, their brand reputation soared. This experience solidified my belief in the power of a well-executed digital journey. 

Navigating the Digital Journey”

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, navigating the digital landscape can be scary. With countless tasks and the perpetual pressure to innovate, developing brand awareness and the sales funnel can feel overwhelming. However, maintaining a stellar reputation and engaging with your audience effectively is crucial for long-term success.

So, what can you do to thrive in this digital age? Stay connected with me for insights and resources on developing a brand that resonates with customers. My mission is to help you capture those pivotal moments with your audience, ensuring you are well-informed and equipped to succeed in the digital world.

Together, we can transform crises into opportunities and build a brand that not only attracts but also retains loyal customers. Let’s embark on this journey to create memorable experiences and a robust digital presence for your business.

Get In Touch With

LaTonya WashingTon

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Create And Launch Marketing Program

As a business professional or entrepreneur, you already know the importance of having a clear, compelling message.  The journey to effectively communicate the message begins with identifying your market position, knowing your advantage points and doing some market research to see if what you offer, is what people are searching for.  You get to do that during this program! 

Next, crafting engaging content is crucial. This is where your creativity and understanding your audience comes into play.  We do that in this program!

Finally, visibility is key. Creating the right social media strategy and use of tools can significantly boost your reach. This is part of your brand awareness.  Oh yes!  We do that during this program.

This program is a step-by-step process that will help you get to the point of development to launch.

VIP Sessions You Can Access

Live VIP Streaming

On-Demand Videos

customer journey worksheet

Downloadable Worksheets

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Here, you will power up your communication skills to develop authentic relationships and know how to handle the challenging ones too! Nourish emotional well-being by enhancing acceptance and compassion. LEARN MORE

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I harp on breaking down your process of getting you from connecting to potential clientele to the paid contract. LEARN MORE

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The strategic leadership worksheet will help you grow and scale your business. The following key areas have been identified as being of high importance in today’s competitive world. LEARN MORE

proposal plus contact equals profit


The brand and culture of your business are what people remember you by, but if it is not clear to your audience, they will walk right on down the road to your competitor. LEARN MORE



Private coaching sessions are for those business professionals and entrepreneurs ready to dive deeper into their message and want that private, one-on-one coaching necessary to get through the obstacles of finding their advantages, developing their content within platforms and masterminding strategic plans.

What They Say About LaTonya

Customer Reviews

When it comes to recruiting staff from a pool of professionals, I realized that our recruiters and staff members at ITH Staffing Inc., would need to be on their A game to get those professionals to want to work through us.

In that, as the Executive Director, I wanted to ensure our recruiters were versed in customer service and ensuring they were comfortable to deal with crises, and understand the people they were interviewing, whether it be via the phone or in person.

I hired LaTonya Washington and the Customer Culture program because of her personality and positive nature. I also saw how she connected with others which set the tone and changed atmospheres, allowing those in sessions to believe they could change and become better in their own personal development. I immediately saw the results in our staff members as they were placing positive sayings in their areas so upon entry into the work place, their very own attitudes would be in tune with a great day.

The Customer Culture program was so effective, that I informed Ms. Washington that I wanted her to also apply the program to our sister company in the Los Angeles area.

constance moonzwe

Constance Moonzwe

Executive Director, ITH Staffing

“LaTonya, I’ve received nothing but positive feedback from staff. They loved your energy and believe you have given them tools they will be able to utilize. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.”

constance moonzwe

Derrell Wix

Transportation Supervisor LEUSD

LaTonya Washington has provided conferences, workshops and special programs throughout the United States for several years. I can personally speak to the quality and professionalism of her as well as her team. I have personally attended several of her customer culture training sessions in Southern California. Because of the outstanding attention to detail, guiding attendees to levels of understanding and breakthrough, excellent customer service, and smooth execution, I hired them to come to our office for training of our staff. I am happy to say, I am still a happy and satisfied customer, and my staff were the better for it.

LaTonya Washington is personable, interacts with her team in a positive way, and understands diversity. Her team is considerate, operates with a high moral and ethical code and train well.

commissioner kandee lewis

Kandee Lewis

Executive Director, The Positive Results Corporation

Latonya has garnered such incredible feedback from the attendees in her training”. In so much, we have invited her to chat more with us and get to know her even more, as she has had such positive response by employees to her sessions. We have really never seen such positive survey feedback and this suggested to us that she has something special.”

I don’t share this to boast, but to encourage you to be your best. Your gifts will more room for you, develop your craft…”

constance moonzwe


Director of Human Resources, Pharmaceutical Company In San Diego